What is it all about?
Spanning Backup for Google Apps is the most trusted enterprise backup and restore solution for Gmail, Drive, Calendar, Contacts, and Sites. Allows users to find and restore lost data in seconds.
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Who is it for?
Key Features
- Automated, secure daily and on-demand backups - Easy-to-use search and granular one-click restore - Cross-user restore - 100% Restore Guarantee - Complete status monitoring with actionable error reports - Advanced Administrator options for user provisioning and management - Industry-leading security - Unlimited storage
* It’s intuitive. Spanning Backup is so easy to use that end-users can restore their own data without calling on IT. * It’s powerful. Spanning Backup is the most fine-tuned Google Apps backup tool on the market, giving you maximum control of your data. *It's 100% guaranteed. If we can back it up, we will restore it. If not, we give customers 10x the money back for 1 year of the individual account. Learn more at www.spanning.com. * It’s secure. We maintain industry-leading security credentials, including: - SSAE 16 Type II compliance - Intrusion detection - TRUSTe privacy and security seals - US-EU and US-Swiss Safe Harbor Frameworks certifications - All data at rest is protected by 256-bit AES encryption with unique keys for every single object and a rotating master key protecting the unique keys. All data in transit is protected with Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption * It’s affordable. Starting at $40 per user per year, Spanning Backup pays for itself every time you restore a file. Discounts are available for educators and non-profit organizations. * It’s unlimited. You’ll never have to worry about monitoring your limits and purchasing more storage. Our rates and coverage are stable no matter how much data your organization generates. * It’s reliable. With 99.9% uptime SLA (service level agreement) and clear visibility into your organization’s backups, Spanning Backup provides you with in-depth status of your data and 100% accurate restores.
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