Auto Repair Software
Empower your auto repair business with auto repair software that provides you with necessary tools required to operate your business by reducing costs and time and creating a growing base of satisfied customers. This growing base then augurs well for your business because the word-of-mouth publicity is going to help bring in more customers.
Create leading edge estimates with the help of auto repair software. Most software solutions provides you with estimating and imaging needs that suits your business. The software lets you create estimates that are accurate, verifiable and are acceptable across the industry. The whole repair process is seamless and you are able to communicate with your customers and partners with ease.
You can click photos of the vehicles and organize all the photos with the imaging feature of the auto repair software. The feature allows you to automatically manage your photos: sort the photos, resize, if needed, and organize them accordingly. You can then upload and link this to your estimates and repair orders. Prepare your claims documentation with all the visually captured damaged information that includes all supplementary information, and pre-existing conditions.
The software lets you transfer the photos quickly and this also speeds up your vehicle intake procedures. Multiple vehicles can also be processed simultaneously without disrupting your workflow. If you operate your business from multiple locations, your staff from each location is able to view photos through the centralized system.
Writing your work orders is made easy with auto repair software. The software provides you with auto fill-in features. You can also provide as much repair instructions as you want and some software solutions also provides you with this unique feature that prints the instructions only on the technician’s copy and not on the customer’s copy.
With all the tasks that are involved in auto repair business it can become a bit confusing for customers to understand their bills especially if they are large in size. There are auto repair software solutions that allows you to separate jobs on your work orders. This way your customers gets to see each job broken down on the bill. It also means you have a better idea about the jobs performed and also which jobs are profitable and which are not.
Auto repair software provides you various tracking options like tracking your lists that includes lists of your customers, employees, vendors and vehicles. This data including your work orders are stored in a standard format like in Microsoft format. This makes accessing it easy with other Microsoft packages such as Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel.
Another tracking feature includes the vehicle service history. This includes the list of services, the date when the service was performed, odometer reading and the date and mileage for next service. You are also able to keep track of the service reminders you sent to the customers. The software offers you to customize your service listing. Keep track of the different services you offer. The vehicle’s service history is updated automatically once the service is performed. Give a print out to your customer with this service history including next recommended service date.
You can also generate reports that covers all the bases of your auto repair business. You can have simple daily sales reports at the end of the day or you can have complex reports such as how many services did you perform for a particular brand of car or customers who purchased repairs of “x” amount in last three months or six months.
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