Backed by the trusted name of Adobe Systems, eSign services (formerly EchoSign) is a fast way to get contracts signed, tracked and filed. It is a web-based e-signature and enterprise content management system. E-signature through email and fax are supported by eSign services. (eSign services)
Electronic signature or e-signature provides a faster way to conduct business and get necessary documents signed by all parties involved. One basic question that everyone has about this service is – how do we know if the document was accessed and signed by the right person(s). And this question is answered by eSign services through its authentication process.
The process of e-signing through eSign services is simple: send the document, get it signed, and track and manage it The whole process is automated so it reduces the need of manual inputs to the minimum. Click here for more information.
Send the right document to right person(s) for e-signature. In other words, through eSign services you can get e-signature from one or multiple persons. Further, to control the signing sequence, get all the signatures in right order. Esign services also automatically triggers the next step in the signing process such as generating invoice.
Since it can be accessed on web or mobile app, signing process can be carried out even when on the move. With a web browser, open the link and sign it. With mobile apps, you can just tap or swipe to sign securely on any device. You can also take a picture of your signature and save it to be reused later.
Get both e-signatures and digital signatures through eSign services. Digital signatures, where the signers need to authenticate their identity using a certificate based digital ID (issued typically by a third party certificate authority), helps meet the advanced signing requirements in European Union as well as in regulated industries.
Send, track, and manage your signing process and even take in-person signature through your iOS or Android device and get instant notifications when the document is seen and signed. Through eSign service you also get alerts when the document is not signed and expiry date is approaching.
You want to avoid legal hassles and this can be achieved through eSign services which offers you secure online repository. This is where you can store a complete audit trail of each and every transaction. You also get reports that helps you to understand, for example, your contract cycle and make sales predictions based on this.
Conducting business in a global environment and coming across a language barrier is not exactly uncommon. However, eSign services makes it easier for businesses by providing signing in 28 languages. With eSign services, both parties, senders and signers, can choose the language of their preference and make sure they understand all the communication.
Document security is essential when getting e-signatures. Esign services ensures that tampered free documents are delivered. A digital seal is applied automatically once the document is signed to maintain its integrity. If this seal is broken, you know that the document has been tampered with.
eSign services provides pre-built turnkey integrations and you can add it to other applications such as Salesforce, Workday, Xero and many more. Further, you can also integrate eSign services to other enterprise apps and also custom built various business processes.
Going back to the authentication concerns about if the right person has signed the document, eSign services uses several steps for this. It includes the Email address as well as the geo-location, Biometric signature, third party web identity along with login credentials, signing password or knowledge based identity that is powered by RSA.
Each document sent out for e-signature includes the audit trail. eSign services’ audit trail is watertight which tracks the custodians of the document, what actions are taken by each person and who actually signs it. Not only this, but it also includes where it is signed and from which device.
eSign services uses third party services of PKI to certify the authenticity and integrity of the document once it is signed by all parties involved. This puts to rest any doubts you may have about the signed document.
Most importantly, all eSign services e-signatures are valid legally and are enforceable globally in industrialized countries. Further, it complies with several industry security standards such as SOC 2 Type, ISO 27001 and HIPAA.
Through Adobe Document Cloud now you can get eSign services as part of its subscription. Moreover you can also get enterprise-class e-signature capabilities and enterprise management and administration with Adobe Document cloud for enterprise.
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