Branding 2016 - Old Marketing Tricks At A New Era
Marketing at its core concept, has the same values for thousands of years. When there is a need or a want there will be a product offered in order to satisfy customers. As years go by, marketing is evolving dramatically as customer changed their wants and needs.
New technology innovations let the marketers embed allegedly old marketing techniques in a new form that makes their marketing possibilities endless. In the next article I will talk about the innovations of 2016 and how they will change our online and offline marketing game.
Use the vast variety of Influencers marketing
Since 300 BC when in ancient Greece some orators had more influence than others. Influencers, mainly celebrities, appeared in commercials as the face of a company or products. Exactly like back in school when one of the popular kids came to class with a new backpack, and soon, everyone in the class had the same one. Today’s influencers are much more targeted for specific groups than yesterday’s celebrities.
In case you are looking for an effective influencer, the first step you need to do is to identify your influencers. Here’s how- listen to what people say regarding the topics that are relevant for your brand across different kinds of social media platforms and websites. For example, browse on Instagram profiles that follow this 2 traits:
- Relate to the same topics as your product.
- Have a High engagement profile with organic traffic.
A great case study is from an Israeli bathing suit brand called “Bananot”. Basically their method was building the brand on top of the influence. The owner of the company had 30k followers on Instagram, mainly young girls. Then she uploaded a picture of her with a handmade bathing suit and later on got more than 300 paying customers as an engagement for that post. Needless to say the brand has been exploding with sales and now operating a wide variety of the brand branches.
For the majority of the non-targeted audience of the new age influencers method, it would look pretty silly. on the other hand, if it looks stupid and it works, it isn't stupid.
The simpler the topics the influencer would relate, the more audience it would most likely get. Understand their background and experience, the volume of the audience it influences, watch it videos and read his articles. At the end of the day, his audience is your brand’s community. Don't expect a fast return of investment on this method since the influence marketing method is a slow but steady relationship building process, just like building SEO. The most important thing to remember when it comes to influence marketing is that the best way to establish authentic network of word to mouth brand ambassadors, is to have a great product and even better customer service.
Video stream
While video marketing is definitely not a new method, at the last few years' customers became more connected to the brand content, making room for a large amount of great content and digital marketing innovations. Facebook hits 8 billion average daily video views from 500 million different users since the beginning of 2016. Moving towards the future of video marketing, Facebook did 2 brilliant moves supporting video content marketing.
1) Facebook 360 video shooting feature, predicting the Virtual reality revolution our world is facing.
2) Facebook live video stream, letting customers know and understand the product much better. Cisco now predicts that 80% of all Internet traffic will be streaming video content by 2019, needless to expand about the vast audience of snapchat video streaming making it the ultimate platform for making consumers feel connected and at the same time, unique. Live streaming became a natural extension for the good old video marketing that now became interactive more than ever, give the marketer an advantage as he can interact with his audience
With that being said, marketers now start to understand the power of video analytics and use tools such as YouTube Analytics and Ooyala for example in order to get a better understanding. They have to ability to track video views engagement, what parts of the video were more intriguing and what parts of the video people preferred to skip or just stop watching. A brand that will deliver a genuine authentic video stream to his audience would produce the most successful results
Partner up with organizations and businesses for events.
Startup companies can easily build trust and establish rapport with their Users and customers while having a high end well planned event. A lot of marketing experts underestimate the impact of having a well-planned event while targeting specifically their startup/business audience in order to grab their attention.
While sponsoring an event, you have to think of different ways to provide value for your company’s exposure and think more creatively than simply slapping your logo on something. There are plenty of innovative ways to make your business stand out in front of your targeted audience.
Usually a creative way for a sponsorship placement will include a unique and creative way to engage all the potential customers. Make people notice, but not with another photo booth. Use your social media army tools, and fire away. Make people take photos of it and send it to all of their friends.
A lot of great marketing representative tend to waste a huge amount of time while establishing connections with the wrong people. The first thing you want to do is to find your “Champion”. The Champion will be the one that have influence & authority to drive approval and secure budget. Make sure you establish a strong connection with the right decision maker who is in charge and has the qualities of a real “Champ”.
In order to close the deal always make sure to present a “wow” effect, jaw dropping offer. It doesn't mean you have to give all of your marketing budget in order to make an event, just don’t show all of your cards on the first round and always have an extra offer in your back pocket. Last but not least, make sure that the organizers of the event are feeling good about that cooperation since many sponsors tend to mistreat their organizers with ridiculous requests. When you know your organizers are happy, you bet their next event is going to make you pleased as well.
Our environment constantly changing and it’s highly difficult to keep up with the pace. To make it easier for us we can’t just simplify it with the understanding that with Today’s technology, we can generate new innovative marketing methods while using old marketing tricks, and it is simple as that. Keep thinking outside the box!
About the author: Yuval Keshtcher is the founder of Boyler Media - a boutique studio designated for characterization, branding and marketing from a one person start up all the way to large corporations.
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